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3 Ways to Lessen Roofing Material Waste

Roof Tiles - 3 Ways to Lessen Roofing Material Waste

Why you should carefully choose your roof tiles supplier?

You’ve probably already expected it— but your roofing project is going to leave you with a lot of excess materials and waste. Unused roof tiles, sawdust, loose materials— you name it; it’s most probably there! 

Although the roofing company usually takes care of the aftermath, it’s also essential to restrict scrap as much as possible. After all, that’s still money down the drain, amirite? You wouldn’t want these odds and ends littering around your property, but it’s unavoidable primarily, So the least you can do is reduce it!

Here’s how to get surplus and junk under control:

Plan Ahead

To produce the least waste, try to coordinate with your roofers. They’re experts when it comes to planning, and they’ll give you the best possible estimates since they’ve already worked on a variety of roofs. Set a budget, canvass the needed materials, map out how much of it you’re going to use— and leave the reserve supply to a minimum. Easy peasy.

Roof Tiles

Hire the Professionals

As we always say, it’s best to leave these things to the professionals. They’re good at their job, and they’re the most experienced person in the room. They know it like the back of their hand when it comes to roof projects. Plus, most roof contractors have a pretty good grasp of roofing logistics, so they can handle and manage resources a lot more efficiently than trying to self-account for everything.

Customize It

To restrict any waste material that will be thrown out at the end of the project, try asking your roofers if they’re up for some customization. Customized-shaped roof tiles, roofing sheets— things like these are the secret recipe to careful budgeting!

Roof Tiles

If you’re looking for trusted and reliable contractors to install your roof tiles— we’re BITC Roof Tiles, ready for duty

Send us your complete roof plan at if you want a roofing quotation for your next project. You can reach us through our websiteFacebook, or by calling us via:

Telephone Numbers:

(02) 8856 4655
(02) 8397 9784

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(+639) 178945067