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What Color Should Your Roof Be?

roof shingles

Color Conveys Your Taste!

Believe us, there are plenty of colors to choose from when it comes to settling on a lifetime design for your roof, specifically on your roof shingles.

So when you’re having second thoughts on what roof color you should pick— more often than not, we actually worry whether we can commit to it…rather than thinking that all the shades you’ve seen are just wrong for your home.

And we understand completely. Roofing should stand the test of time; not only functionality-wise but ALSO design-wise. Going for a timeless curb appeal is a great idea if you think that this is a factor you should consider. Talking with our roof contractors would help you narrow down your options, if you’d like..

However, if you’re already totally set on what roof color you want, and if you’re happy about it— well, BITC Roof Tiles would be even happier to help make your vision into reality.

But, first… we’ll try to give our dear readers a general idea on what color roof shingles is generally advised based on their preferences:

Blacks and Grays

Cool toned colors like black, blues, and grays are one of the more popular roofing color schemes. If the whole structure adopts mostly cool tones, then a cool tone roof shingle is recommended. These are preferred in homes with a more modern, minimalistic approach— since they give off an elegant and contemporary vibe. Plus, they’ve been quite the trend in the last decade of roof installations.

Browns and Reds

Warm-colored tones set just the right mood for homey, rustic feels. Browns and reds are warm and welcoming, and they give quite the appreciation value to your home as well! Roof shingles like these are a great investment, and they have many different shades to go with, too.

Looking for a roof shingles contractor you can trust?

Send us your complete roof plan at if you want a roofing quotation for your next project. You can reach us through our websiteFacebook, or by calling us via:

Telephone Numbers:

(02) 8856 4655
(02) 8397 9784

Cellphone Number:

(+639) 17-894-5067
(+639) 33-811-3715